About WILL


Women Institute of Learning and Leadership (WILL) is a non-profit apolitical organization, aims to provide a collaborative and consultative training forum that recognizes the unique challenges and opportunities that women face as they rise through leadership positions in national and international organizations. WILL strives to empower women, by enhancing their leadership skills through a unique combination of networking, consultative training, analytical reflection, and tailor-made personal development.

To flourish economically and culturally, WILL is committed to educate, inspire and support women by engaging them in leadership educational programs. WILL also offers a series of conferences and training sessions to provide a unique and impactful opportunity for women to broaden their level of awareness on a wide range of topics, address real-world challenges in the workplace and community, expand their professional network and support, the continued progression of women in our society.

WILL Philosophy

WILL aspires to help women nurture five key characteristics to make them truly empowered.

They are Wise, Optimistic, Master, Engage and Noble, inspired by the word WOMEN itself.

  • Wise: Provide knowledge that helps women become truly informed and enlightened about their environment and take on challenges that come their way.
  • Optimistic: Enhance positivity that helps women take life decisions that are free from emotional and prejudicial preferences.
  • Master: Provide confidence that lets women across all sections of society gain and achieve mastery in their abilities.
  • Engage: Give an opportunity to engage through learning from expert entrepreneurs from Pakistan and around the globe.
  • Noble: Promote the trait of tolerance and nobility among the women and encourage accepting other’s beliefs and opinions.

Our Mission

To enable every woman to positively influence her future and the succeeding generations of Pakistan and the Muslim World by spearheading socio-economic, civil, cultural and political policy reform and professional development.

Our Vision

To revolutionize delivery and access to opportunities for women across South Asia in order to enable Muslim society to fulfill its potential.

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